How to Make My Students Interesting in Art Class Journal

Having sketchbooks or visual journals in the art room is a given. The exercise of cartoon, journaling, and creating on a regular ground helps our students' creative muscles flex and gain strength. Ideas go reality as they put pencil to paper.

Simply how do you lot get your students excited to sketch or journal? Is it possible to motivate them to work on their ain? Assigning projects is a good start, simply to create real buy-in, students need to feel like their journals are something they tin't live without!

Here are some ideas for building the dear and desire of using sketchbooks and journals every day!

stack of visual journals


Every student likes to experience they are an individual with their own unique style and personae to put out into the world. Support this growth by making space for students to define what makes their all-time visual journal.

There are lots of ideas for formats, only not everything works for everyone. Requite students choices about the form their journal takes. Allow for time to personalize and make the book their ain. Information technology's a bit more work on the front-end for y'all but tin can pay off in a journal that gets used rather than one that sits on a shelf.

  • Hardcover journals
  • Spiral bound notebooks
  • Handmade books
  • Smaller softcover journals

Or, how most a digital visual periodical?

If students at your school can work with engineering science, or fifty-fifty have their own iPads or devices, digital options are a swell way to keep them engaged and working. One of my favorites is Autodesk Sketchbook on the iPad. It'due south fairly piece of cake to use and creates some beautiful images. And it'southward free!

photo of app on iPad

I observe my students are playing with sketchbook and cartoon apps all the fourth dimension. Meeting them where their interests lie makes sense. Information technology also makes sharing their work piece of cake!

For more ideas virtually how to go students interested in journaling, don't miss the Sketchbook Ideas that Actually Piece of work and Implementing Sketchnotes PRO Learning Packs! Explore how to use sketchbooks or journals in a variety of ways, discover the benefits of creative person challenges, learn how to hook your students through sketchnoting, and much more than!


Requite prompts not but for art exercises, but for writing and inspiration as well. Devote some fourth dimension in class to looking through magazines or the Net for sparks that will assistance them work. Accept students impress out these inspiration pieces and put them in their journals. Sometimes students feel like everything in their journal needs to be something they've made, merely of course, this isn't truthful. In fact, having the books serve equally idea repositories is part of what existence an creative person is actually about.

This is also another time using a digital resource might make things a bit easier and become students to stay invested. Just most every fine art teacher knows how useful Pinterest is in thinking about projects and sharing and tagging ideas. Why not accept students "pinning" ideas and work that gets them excited and inspired?

screen shot of Pinterest
image via Pinterest

If yous want your students to stay off social media, they can as well easily create Google Docs where they can save links and drop images. The idea is to make sure they're saving their ideas somewhere.

The main goal is to become them to think about how they are going to use this resource for everything. Go far essential. Make it something they want to exist using all the fourth dimension. Having them complete occasional assignments in the journal is peachy, but building the habit of using their journal to procedure and record is even better!

Share…or Don't Share.

As a student works in their journal, it might become a more than private and personal infinite for reflection. Therefore, it'due south possible they might non want to share every single piece of work or writing they create. And that's ok! Build trust with your students, so they go empowered to share what they are comfortable with as they create. Don't crave them to submit or share something for every assignment.

person working in visual journal

On the flip side, yous'll too desire to provide opportunities for those students who practise want to put things out in that location! Again, anybody is a bit different, and information technology'due south important to understand and gauge levels of comfort around being vulnerable in sharing something they have fabricated. It might exist that a pupil is more than comfortable sharing individually with simply you, so build in fourth dimension and infinite for individualized sketchbook and journal review as well. Give the students every opportunity to determine when they desire to share their work.

The habit of journaling regularly is something we take to build for our students. Try using some of these ideas to build a stronger rapport with students, and who knows? You may add excitement for visual journaling and gain insight into who they are as they work in their journals!

How often do your students utilise their visual journals?

What assignments and prompts practise you use with your visual journals?

Mag articles and podcasts are opinions of professional education contributors and do not necessarily represent the position of the Art of Education University (AOEU) or its academic offerings. Contributors use terms in the way they are almost often talked about in the scope of their educational experiences.


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