On the Road Again Season 5 Episode 11

And then there was one less grapheme on "Brothers & Sisters"….

"On the Road Again", the Season four Finale of "Brothers & Sisters" consisted of all the drama nosotros expected and knew about before going in.

Thanks to the internet and the very public leaving of Rob Lowe, nosotros knew his death was coming.  At ane point, I questioned when, though considering I didn't ever think the car crash was going to happen in the preview that alluded to information technology. I idea he was merely going to accept a heart set on once again and that was going to be the end.

The terminal six minutes consisted of the auto crash. And so what about the other 36 minutes?

  • We had Sarah being depressed and beingness a bum considering she was unemployed.
  • We had Scotty and Saul putting together their nutrient tasting menu to exam on the residue of the Walkers before opening the eating house.
  • We had Kitty going on the campaign bus tour. Robert couldn't become because something came up then Nora, her very autonomous mother and Sarah, her dorm sister who looks like her cat just died as Kitty says, tag along with her.
  • We had Rebecca and Justin still fighting about what they were going to do. Rebecca is taking the job at Maddox Foods, just what about Justin? Is he still going Haiti?

Those were the minor things going on this episode. The three master conflicts the finale focused on where Saul, Robert and the conclusion of Narrow Lake.

Get-go off, the conclusion of Narrow Lake had a happy ending. Sarah is joint owners of the property with Holly and Nora. Nora decided to use her own money to keep on drilling. Sarah is annoyed and recollect it's a waste. Approximate who's wrong? Sarah. It turns out that Narrow Lake is actually home to an aquifier. This scene consisted of Holly, Sarah, Norah and Saul celebrating under the falling water. Such a good scene peculiarly since with the new upbeat Sara Bareilles music!

At present onto the more dramatic consequence of this episode:

Saul is getting a bigger story line at present that in this season or last flavor, he came out as gay. At present most people were annoyed that his storyline went in this direction because it wasn't actually original, merely I liked it. At present you're asking what is Jennifer talking nigh?

Saul had a discussion with Scotty and Kevin while making the nutrient nigh being tested for HIV. Kevin and Scotty do it every yr and consider it spring cleaning. Saul whoever has never taking the test. Of grade in this episodes, Saul takes the test. He is concerned because his friend has AIDs and he wonders if he could exist asymptomatic for the by twenty years. The doctor/Nurse/someone at the clinc/whoever says it's possible.

At present of course Saul probably should have taken the test after the testing menu day because he was all cranky waiting for the results. You know who was also cranky… Robert.

Robert in this episode is dealing with his whole secretive job which I believe has been explained throughly in this finale. A skillful affair too since this is Robert'due south terminal episode. His task has been the liason between the senate and Stanton. His job is to get the conversations where Stanton flat out tells Robert in confidence that he'due south using the defense bills as a way to go richer. Turns out Robert does have these conversations. He's just waiting to drop the bomb. Just trouble is Stanton will accept it out on Kitty'due south campaign.

Robert puts the tape in the safety eolith box and gives Justin the key until he decides what to do.  Likewise, Robert'due south having symptom from his heart condition and is taking medication. Justin does some investigating and finds out the medication is for ventricular assail-a-cardia. Kudos for the make department of  "Brothers & Sisters" for making Rob Lowe look sickly and close to expiry.

The nutrient testing night is a mess because everyone was stressed. Robert is stressed considering of doing things behind Kitty'southward dorsum and not feeling well. Kitty is stressed because someone is posting information virtually how much her wig cost from "Citizen for a Corrupt Free America." Robert believes that Stanton has already started out on Kitty. Justin is stressed considering he has this key in his pocket and he'southward notwithstanding fighting with Rebecca. Sarah is aroused at her mom because she decided to do more than drilling. Lastly Saul is stressed considering he's waiting for his results and poor Scotty simply wants everyone to endeavour out his food. Don't worry Robert gets the center of attention when he starts to get empty-headed and they accept to call an ambulance. I totally thought a car blow was going to happen on the mode there.

No turns out its later.

I'thousand still not really certain how the car accident happened. Did Rob Lowe hit the truck or did the truck hit them?

Everyone was involved in this massive auto accident except for Rebbeca and Justin who left the Ojai summer firm final.

Kevin, Scotty, Sarah,Nora and Kitty are fine. Saul is fine machine wise, but when Kevin runs over to try to help him, Saul tells him to stay abroad and that he can't assist him. Before the car accident, Saul told Nora he didn't have AIDs, merely I knew he was lying. You could run into it on his face, only nevertheless seeing realization hit Kevin's face was horrible.

Now the two people left are Robert and Holly. Justin goes to Kitty and Robert'south motorcar to see that Robert'southward caput is all bloody from a beam hitting him, I retrieve. He goes to help, merely gets called away by Rebecca who finds her mom hurt. Robert tells Justin to become and he'll wait for the ambulance.

We are left in the last minute with Justin trying to save Holly is who is responding, but barely and Robert in his last minutes of living.

Flavor five will have identify 12 months afterward. What will get of Narrow Lake? How will Saul exist doing? Will Kitty still be running? She and Robert agreed a couple seconds earlier the crash occurred that they were going to release the tapes. Will Holly be okay? Will Justin be in Haiti? Volition Scotty and Kevin accept a boy or a daughter? How will Scotty'due south resturant do?

So many questions and now we accept to wait until the autumn.

Quotes from the Finale:

-Saul: Never knew my nephew was such a grump in the morning

Kevin: Never knew my uncle wore a muu muu

Saul: Information technology'south a nightshirt.

-Kitty: No mom, y'all're incorrect. It's either  rich Kitty MCcallister out of bear upon spending all this money or it's poor kitty MCcalister cancer surivior, fragile,  how will she withstand a chief let alone a term in the senate? No,  This comes from someone who knows exactly what they are doing, finding out how much precisely how much my wig costs.

-Saul to Kevin and Scotty: "Exercise you have any thought what yous are request of me? This earth the two of you lot alive in where everything is and so easy and so much is possible. You take a surrogate carrying you child. Yous're married"

1000: "Technically nosotros're not married."

S: "Excuse me. I'm sorry, domestic partners whatever.When I was  your age I just hoped when iwalked in to a gay bar, that I wouldn 't go arrested"

Scotty: "Saul yous don't take to get tested.

Saul: "Also late. I already did. I took the test this forenoon."

Thou: "Well isn't that a skilful affair?"

Saul: It'south a great for people like y'all.  Information technology's like spring cleaning for y'all who get ever twelvemonth. But for me, I never opened that cupboard closed. Regardless of the world you lie in,  my world was a lot less accepting. People died. Don't you get it? For me, Bad news for me is p- and then why don't you plate upward this nutrient and I'll get some fresh air?

-Kitty to Robert afterwards his trip to the hospital: I didnt just fall in love with the hero, but the guy who was afriad that when he had his heart assail he wouldn't be able to pic upward his own kid

did you  notice justin didn't requite back the central?

at present justin have post trauma that he didn't salve robert?

-Robert's last words: You were right, when nosotros brought evan home fro the infirmary, i was scared that i wouldnt be able to keep upwards but and then i saw you holding him, so strong , and then loving, i knew that you lot would… i knew that you would…" He never finishes his sentence.

Side notes:

  • Justin never gives back the primal, I think he even so has it. Well we know he'due south going to give it to Kitty
  • I wonder if the writers volition go in a direction with Justin where he is dealing with not helping Robert and assertive it's his mistake that Robert died.
  • http://world wide web.kittywalkermccallister.com :  a real website, links to her grapheme bio on ABC homepage


Source: https://ticketstubthis.wordpress.com/2010/05/19/bss4ep24/

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